Saturday, October 4, 2014

Publication date 15 February 2015

Yes! The true and epic life of Ephraim M Epstein is complete and now in production stages. The title has changed once again to the much more descriptive and accurate The Extraordinary Dr Epstein.

Print publication (paperback) will be 15 February 2015... cover design by Meg Kazcyk is in progress and I will keep you up to date as I roll out blurbs and interesting tidbits. Meanwhile no one's come forth to claim the photo of the handsome young Ephraim...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Seeking the young Ephraim

Here is Ephraim M Epstein, probably age 20, probably about to set out for America from Belarus late in 1849 or early 1850... I want to use this in my story of his life. What a dishy young man! I found it in the book by his sister, Pauline Epstein Wengeroff, Rememberings, translated  by Henny Wenkart, editor Bernard Dov Cooperman, an abridged edition published 2000 by University Press of Maryland.

There is another version of the book by his sister, in full, translated with introduction, notes and commentary by Shulamit Magnus. Pauline Wengeroff's book was originally published in Germany in about 1908 in two volumes under the title Memoirs of a Grandmother and that's the title of this version, vol 1 published in 2010 by Stanford University Press. Vol 2 due out this year. It too has pictures, but none of Ephraim -- though it is a very readable description of life in 19th c Jewish Russia.

Meanwhile, back to the hunt for young Ephraim. I have not been able to find the owner of the photograph, not even through contact with Bernard Cooperman who very helpfully provided leads to his sources from some 14 years ago. The marvellous quest of writing Ephraim's life has brought forth several long-lost and distant Epstein relations, but as yet none of them has this portrait of our ancestor.

Though copyright period is, I believe, long exceeded (160 years ago?) I hope to use this portrait on the cover and interior of The Notorious Dr Epstein, The story of the life of Ephraim M Epstein. So by this blog publication (and I will publish other internet appeals) I ask permission from anyone who holds rights to this photograph kindly to grant me use of it for this book -- please contact me!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Ephraim's true story right to the end

Yes, the life of Ephraim M Epstein is now written -- at last! A very long slog (like... nearly my whole life), revised and polished, taking him from his arranged teenage marriage in Belarus in 1847 to arrival in New York City in 1850 right on through changes and adventures into the 20th century. His quests and drive see this brilliant, incorrigible man reinvent himself time and again.

BUT! I still have the Veritas back-of-the-book notes to complete. Without resorting to footnotes this is where I say what parts and persons are true, and what is invented. I promise you, much, much is true.

And then, I will be conquering the technology of publication. Meanwhile I have submitted to a mainstream agent. Either way, any way, Ephraim's continent- and career-crossing saga will be available this year. Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ephraim Epstein, an epic sweep

Ephraim Epstein's whole story is now accomplished in synopsis form... click on page to right to gobble up the overview. A synopsis by its nature has to leave out lots of fascinating detail, but I hope it conveys Ephraim's compelling character and the epic sweep of his life.

I'm now in final revisions of Part 5, his West Virginia years as college teacher and, then -- finally finished with grieving over William's death -- as a physician. Still green with sap, more children are born to him and Helena... and YES! he finds a new cause to champion. This (unsurprisingly, for him) leads to a final relocation, and to the firm which flourishes to this very day as a major international pharmaceutical company.