Friday, May 23, 2014

Ephraim's true story right to the end

Yes, the life of Ephraim M Epstein is now written -- at last! A very long slog (like... nearly my whole life), revised and polished, taking him from his arranged teenage marriage in Belarus in 1847 to arrival in New York City in 1850 right on through changes and adventures into the 20th century. His quests and drive see this brilliant, incorrigible man reinvent himself time and again.

BUT! I still have the Veritas back-of-the-book notes to complete. Without resorting to footnotes this is where I say what parts and persons are true, and what is invented. I promise you, much, much is true.

And then, I will be conquering the technology of publication. Meanwhile I have submitted to a mainstream agent. Either way, any way, Ephraim's continent- and career-crossing saga will be available this year. Stay tuned.


  1. Susan - way to go! It's been a long time coming, indeed, and we are very proud of your accomplishment. May it quickly find a publisher!
    Cousin Nancy, another of Ephraim's great-grandchildren

  2. Thank you, o eldest of our particular branch! I have heard from several distant cousins, from line of Ephraim's sister, and daughter's Frieda and Zelda. When I have time (ie book done) I will make a call for all descendants.

  3. Argh! A wild apostrophe! Apologies for that, should read 'daughters Frieda and Zelda.'
